Bike Fitting That Made a World of Difference

After sweeping three championships in 2023 from Taiwan KOM Challenge, the National Games Individual Female Road Bicycle Race to UCI Asian Circuits in Okinawa, Japan, Hsiao-chia Tseng was so thrilled and she commented that Eddie Huang was “the best bike fitter ever!” Eddie, Taiwan's most renowned bike fitter, assisted Tseng in discovering her optimal fit, leading to significant improvements in her cycling performance.

As a former professional cyclist, Eddie suffered a serious injury in 2007. After recovery and back on the bike, he was shocked to find that “I felt like a rusty machine that my legs couldn’t function smoothly anymore, and I couldn’t make any adjustment to make it work.” Three years later, a professional bike fitter discovered that despite feeling fine after physical therapy, Eddie had nearly a 1 centimeter difference in the lengths of his legs. This revelation deeply impressed Eddie, leading him to recognize the critical role of bike fitting. From then on, he fully immersed himself in the captivating world of bike fitting.

In the beginning, Eddie couldn’t help himself but fit himself whenever he was cycling. Later, he decided to study bike fitting in-depth and he got certified as a bike fitter in the USA, Germany and Spain. Since then, Eddie has consulted numerous renowned cyclists in surpassing his own cycling records, establishing himself as a respected bike fitter in Taiwan. Many triathletes and cyclists regularly schedule appointments with Eddie for periodic adjustments.

Specializing in STT 3DMA real-time dynamic analysis system, Eddie records how cyclists pedal and the variabilities of angles to fine-tune the saddles, handlebars, and grips in order to ensure cyclists maintain the postures best appropriate for them. Eddie emphasizes that bike fitting extends beyond enhancing riding performance. Its primary objective is to cultivate cyclists' awareness of their own bodies, enabling them to make adjustments to better accommodate their individual physical conditions. This heightened awareness leads to improved long-term performance and helps prevent injuries.

Eddie Huang


Kinesiology emphasis, Department of Athletic Sports, Chung Cheng University


2018-present CPS (Cycle Plus Studio) Bike Fitter

2014-2017 R&D Division, Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

2008-2011 Professional Cyclist, Giant Asia

2005, 2008 Professional Cyclist, Road Race, Team Taiwan


◆ UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) CDP Level 1

◆ Bike Fitter in the USA, Germany, and Spain.

Saddle, The Biggest Contacting Point in a Bike

In bike fitting, selecting and adjusting the saddle appropriately is crucial. Eddie emphasizes that determining the correct height and angle of the saddle, along with finding the optimal sitting position on the saddle, are key factors for ensuring a comfortable cycling experience. The right saddles and adjustments provide cyclists with the necessary support, allowing them to pedal steadily. The Gebiomized Saddle Pressure Mapping system from Germany in CPS allows cyclists to see how their body weight is distributed on the saddle.

A complete fitting session takes two to three hours. A survey completed by the cyclist provides essential information about the client, including their basic details, cycling experience, and specific requirements. Next, the rider is asked to perform some exercises to evaluate the client’s physical condition, including their activity level, flexibility, and muscle tone. Eddie also evaluates the cyclist’s gear to evaluate the details such as the size, shoe style, and the position of the pedal cleats before actual on-bike pedaling analysis.


Xiaohua/Experienced cyclist, striving for a better performance

Saddle model:

Velo Angel TT

Fitting procedure:

The Gebiomized Saddle Pressure Mapping system reveals that Xiaohua’s pressure on the two lateral halves of the saddle is about 50%-50%, and the distribution of pressure on the front and back parts is also nearly even. The COP (Center of pressure) also shows that the cyclist sits on the saddle firmly. It is concluded that the Angel TT saddle is the perfect fit for Xiaohua.

Eddie’s comments:

The Y-cut design of the Angle TT saddle indeed reduces the contact area between the cyclist and the saddle and is favorable to most male cyclists with narrower sit bones.

Tips for experienced cyclists:

Most experienced cyclists are aware of their own riding preferences. After confirming their sit bone width, cyclists can select different saddles in accordance with their style of riding whether its road, MTB or triathlon. One can proceed to fine-tune the height and angle of the saddle and observe the distribution of pressure on the saddles to optimize comfort during cycling.


Catherine/beginner, for recreational purpose

Saddle models:

Velo Angle Rise+

Velo Sky OW

Fitting procedure:

As a newbie, Catherine picked the most appealing saddle from Velo, the Angel Rise+. However, when she took the pedaling test, it showed that her body weight tended to lean to the right side which made it difficult for her to ride. After some analysis, Eddie discovered her weight distribution was much more even on Sky OW saddle. As a result, pedaling became easier for her and she felt significantly more comfortable with Sky OW.

Eddie’s comments:

Since Angle Rise+ is more slender, it is more suitable for cyclists who do not put all their weight on the saddle. In other words, it is not ideal for beginner cyclists who tend to sit upright in the middle and rear sections of the saddle. As the Sky OW is wider and thicker, it is more suitable for beginners.

Tips for beginners:

In the past, cyclists typically selected bikes based solely on their height. However, everyone’s body proportions, flexibility, and riding habits are unique. Therefore, Eddie would help a beginner pick the brand, kind, and size of bikes that best fit their situation after a fit session.